Eveli Voolens, the Social Statistics Team Lead at Statistics Estonia, said that, in the second quarter, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were the highest in information and communication (3,257 euros), financial and insurance activities (2,953 euros), and energy supply (2,946 euros). Average gross wages were the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (1,178 euros), other service activities* (1,191 euros), and real estate activities (1,268 euros). “Average wages and salaries increased the most in education (19%) and agriculture, forestry and fishing (15.4%),” added Voolens.
Average monthly gross wages and salaries per employee and their change by economic activity, 2nd quarter, 2022–2023
The average monthly gross wages and salaries were the highest in Harju county (incl. Tallinn city) (2,093 euros) and Tartu county (1,889 euros), and the lowest in Valga (1,390) and Hiiu counties (1,404 euros). “Year on year, the biggest growth in wages and salaries was recorded in Ida-Viru (14.6%) and Rapla counties (13%). The growth in wages was the slowest in Harju county (excl. Tallinn city) (10%) and Lääne county (9.5%),” said Voolens.
In the second quarter of 2023, median wages, i.e. the point at which half of employees earn more and half earn less, were the highest in information and communication (2,768 euros) and financial and insurance activities (2,450 euros). Median wages were the lowest in real estate activities (867 euros) and other service activities (934 euros).
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