Estonia’s Growing Demand for US Military Equipment ‘Organic, Logical’
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 20 Jan 2015  | EWR OnlineEWR
WASHINGTON, January 20 (Sputnik) — Additional US military equipment sales to Estonia are part of a natural process of the country's military force development, Brigadier General Meelis Kiili, the commander of the Estonian Defense League, told Sputnik Tuesday.

"We always elaborate what kind of weapons systems we need. We always elaborate what kind of equipment is needed," Kiili told Sputnik when asked whether Estonia had requested additional military equipment from the United States. Growing Estonian defense needs are an "organic and logical approach to defense systems," he said.

Asked specifically whether Estonia had concluded a military equipment deal with the United States for the Javelin anti-tank missile system, Kiili said he could not provide details. He added, however, that "from a field commander's perspective, these are good systems."

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Rahvusvahelised uudised