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Estonia's Kelly Sildaru tops slopestyle qualifying
14 Feb 2022 EWR Online
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The finals of the women's slopestyle are scheduled to take place at the Beijing Olympic Games on Monday, February 14th, starting at 8:30pm EST. Kelly Sildaru, Estonia's best hope for a medal at these Games will be the last competitor (best qualification) at the finals to show her skill.

The qualification took place yesterday night (EST), the best 12 qualified for the finals.

In the qualification, each athlete had two opportunities to demonstrate their abilities. Sildaru earned 80.96 points on the first run, which was the second best result of the round one after Norwegian's Johanne Kill (81.48). On the second run, the reigning Youth Olympic gold medalist and four-time X Games winner went huge in the bottom jump section with a rightside 900 and switch leftside and rightside 1080s, earning overall 1st place in qualification.

The local favorite, US born Eileen Gu, who has already earned gold in Big Air, qualified third with 79.38 points on the second run.

Another skier to watch today is a silver medal winner in Big Air, Tess Ledeux, France. Although she only qualified in 9th place, she has shown to be a fierce competitor.

Sarah Höfflin, gold medal winner in Pyeongchang four years ago, did not reach the final, scoring disappointing 35.38 points on the first run and 48.96 points on the second.

In the final, each athlete gets three chances instead of two, the best of which is considered.

Starting order in the finals: 1. Mathilde Gremaud (Switzerland), 2. Olivia Asselin (Canada), 3. Katie Summerhayes (UK), 4. Tess Ledeux (France), 5. Silvia Bertagna (Italy), 6. Marin Hamill (USA) , 7. Kirsty Muir (Great Britain), 8. Anastassija Tatalina (VOK), 9. Maggie Voisin (USA), 10. Eileen Gu (China), 11. Johanne Killi (Norway), 12. Kelly Sildaru (Estonia).