Estonia is ranked 22nd to 24th among 197 countries in the fresh freedom of the press scoreboard published by the New York based Freedom House, one place higher than in the similar scoreboard a year ago.
Tied for places 22-24 with Jamaica and the United States, Estonia is ranked as a country with free press. In last year's table Estonia was in a tie with Costa Rica and Jamaica for places 23-25.
Estonia, Jamaica and the United States received 18 points each in the new survey. The smaller the score, the bigger a degree of press freedom the country has, according to Freedom House.
The top 3 of this year's table was made up of Finland, Norway and Sweden in a tie with 10 points each. In place four came Belgium with 11 points, while Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland were in places 5-8 with 12 points each. Andorra was ninth with 13 points and Iceland and Liechtenstein shared places 10-11 with 14 points.
Lithuania received 23 points and was in a tie for places 40-42 with Dominica and Suriname. Latvia, with 27 points, was seen to be on a par with Cabo Verde, Kiribati and Papua New Guinea in places 54-57.
Russia was ranked as country without press freedom with 80 points, tied with Azerbaijan and Zimbabwe for places 172-174.
The bottom places went to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and North Korea, in that order.