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Estonian American National Council - Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides
18 Oct 2019 EWR Online
Estonian American National Council - Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides
· 14. Oktoober ·
 - pics/2019/10/54632_001.png

The Estonian American National Council is pleased to announce the first honoree of this year’s EANC Awards! EANC commends õpetaja THOMAS VAGA for his Outstanding Service to the Estonian-American community.
This extraordinary community member has shared in the lives, joys and sorrows of so many Estonian American families, serving as a support and guide from birth through life. His support extends also beyond the church.

Please join us to honor and thank Bishop electus Thomas Vaga at the EANC Awards Gala on Nov. 9th. (Info: )

Today, EANC also congratulates the Lakewood “Pühavaimu kogudus,” also served by õpetaja Vaga, as they celebrate the 70th anniversary of their congregation.