Eesti Elu
Estonian artist Peeter Laurits will be artist-in-resident at the Cotton Factory
Eestlased Kanadas | 05 Oct 2018  | Eesti Elu
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On October 15 the Estonian artist Peeter Laurits will arrive at the Cotton Factory. He will be there as an artist-in-residence. During his time in Canada, Laurits will speak about his work in Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Buffalo. November 8 at 7pm, Peeter Laurits will speak at Tartu College.

This is the second international artist exchange between Estonia and Hamilton. The first artist to visit the Cotton Factory was Marko Mäetamm in 2017.

Friday, October 26 a pop-up dinner will take place at the Cotton Factory. Dinner will be prepared by Tiina Treumann from the restaurant SALT in Tallinn.

The Cotton Factory is partnering with the Hamilton restaurant Diplomat to introduce Nordic cuisine and culture to Hamilton. Pay attention to the ads at:

Eesti kunstnik Peeter Laurits kunstnike vahetusprogrammiga Cotton Factory’s

15. oktoobril jõuab Cotton Factory'isse kunstnik Peeter Laurits Eestist, kes viibib seal resideeruva kunstnikuna. Kanadas oleku aja jooksul räägib Laurits oma loomingust Hamiltonis, Torontos, Ottawas, Montrealis ja Buffalos. 8. novembril kell 7 õ esineb Peeter Laurits Tartu College'is.

Tegemist on teise rahvusvahelise kunstnike vahetusega Eesti ja Hamiltoni vahel. Esimese Eesti kunstnikuna külastas Cotton Factory'it Marko Mäetamm 2017. aastal.

Reedel, 26. oktoobril toimub Cotton Factory'is pop-up õhtusöök, mille valmistab Tiina Treumann Tallinnast, restoranist SALT.
Cotton Factory teeb koostööd Hamiltoni restoraniga Diplomat, et tutvustada skandinaavia toitu ja kultuuri Hamiltonis. Jälgige reklaami:

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