Estonian Business Hub opens in Washington (1)
Eestlased USAs | 18 Oct 2024  | EWR
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A new business hub has opened at the Estonian Embassy in Washington DC, aimed at boosting business diplomacy by presenting business opportunities in Estonia to US entrepreneurs and public, and vice versa – showing the possibilities of the US market to Estonian companies. The opening event included an investment seminar for the defence industry attended by a defence industry delegation from Estonia.

The Estonian Business Hub, the first of its kind in the United States, offers tools for Estonian companies of all sizes for establishing contacts with US partners and boosting relations, and facilities for business meetings, product presentations, displays, and events. The hub offers information on Estonia’s business environment, e-state solutions, green technologies and cybersecurity and presents Estonia as an investment environment.

“The close relations between Estonia and the United States are largely based on shared values, such as democracy and respect for freedoms,” Estonian Ambassador to the US Kristjan Prikk said. “Both Estonia and the USA also value innovation, digital development and economic freedom. I am convinced that the economic ties between Estonia and the US can be enhanced and the Business Hub is definitely a good opportunity for this.”

The ambassador noted that when it comes to entering foreign markets, a phone call or an email may not be enough. “Immediate contacts and seeing the products first hand increases the likelihood of cooperation,” Prikk said. “As the Business Hub is located on the premises of the Estonian Embassy, the support and advice of the embassy staff can also be ensured.”

The business hub in Washington was funded from the European Union recovery plan NextGenerationEU.

It is the third Estonian business hub in the world. Last year, business hubs were opened in Seoul and Singapore. Next business hubs are set to open in London, Paris, Riga, Berlin and Copenhagen.

Photos Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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ärbert19 Oct 2024 06:40
should we conclude that "raha oli üleliia"???

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