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Estonian-Canadian arrested for participating in the activities of a terrorist group
08 Dec 2023 Tauno Mölder
Active Club Canada event in 2022 near Udora. Photo: Telegram - pics/2023/12/60687_001_t.jpg
Active Club Canada event in 2022 near Udora. Photo: Telegram
RCMP has arrested 28-year-old Matthew Althorpe and 25-year-old Estonian-Canadian Kristoffer Nippak for allegedly helping to make videos and manifestos in support of the neo-Nazi terror movement and far-right extremism.

Police said the men allegedly participated in making recruiting videos for Atomwaffen Division, an international neo-Nazi terror group, and “manifestos” on a group of messaging channels known to circulate neo-fascist ideology and manuals on how to carry out racially-motivated violence.

Atomwaffen Division was listed as a terrorist entity in Canada back in 2021, and after that listing, many former members joined "Active Club Canada," investigators say. Members of the group have been seen performing combat training exercises in community parks, including in the area near Udora.

RCMP handout of Active Club Canada internet photo. - pics/2023/12/60687_001_t.webp
RCMP handout of Active Club Canada internet photo.
The RCMP Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) for GTA/Southwest conducted an 18-month investigation, executing several search warrants in the Niagara and Toronto regions.

28-year-old Matthew Althorpe is facing multiple charges, including three counts of making hate propaganda for a terrorist group, while 25-year-old Kristoffer Nippak faces one charge of participating in the activities of a terrorist group.

On December 6, 2023, both individuals appeared in court and were held for bail hearings. The next court date is on Monday to confirm dates for a bail hearing.

The article was modified on Dec 11, 2023 to avoid drawing an unfair connection between community locations and Active Club Canada activities.