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Estonian Cultural Days in New York
02 Apr 2018 EWR Online
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Estonian Cultural Days in New York (“Eesti Kultuuripäevad New Yorgis”) is a multi-day affair with concerts, theater performances, lectures, and other events, celebrating Estonian culture in the United States.

This year's event took place from March 28 - 31, 2018 and featured Estonians from both the local diaspora and abroad. Some notable events included Theater Performance: World Premiere "Kuuvarjutus" by Anne Veesaar and Ülle Lichtfeldt, Experimental Folk Concert by Duo Malva & Priks, Open stage & informal dance night "Ethno Jam", Forum: "The importance of the Estonian culture in our community and the US", Estonian-born pop-jazz singer Raahel Pilpak and others. https://www.estonianculture.or...

As part of the Kultuuripäevad, Kotkajärve Metsaülikool opened their „Kotkajärve Metsaülikool – 50 years young” exhibition in New York.

Photos from opening of the exhibition.
Maimu Mölder, Metsaülikool. Photo: Eleri Ever Photography - pics/2018/04/51438_001_t.jpg
Maimu Mölder, Metsaülikool. Photo: Eleri Ever Photography
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