Estonian Defence Forces to receive new machine guns this year (1)
Eestlased Eestis | 09 Mar 2023  | EWR OnlineEWR
Foto: Riigi kaitseinvesteeringute keskus - pics/2023/03/60062_002_t.jpg
Foto: Riigi kaitseinvesteeringute keskus
Estonian Centre for Defence Investments (ECDI) has signed a contract with Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) for the procurement of approximately 1,000 new Negev NG7 machine guns for Estonian Defence Forces and the Defence League. The new weapons will replace the MG3 and KSP-58 machine guns currently in service.

“New Negev NG7 machine gun is a very good and ergonomic weapon and it is stable and accurate when fired in different shooting positions. Modern accessories can be added to the weapon, such as different sights and lamps. It is also important regarding this machine gun that the fire selector can also be set to fire single shots,’ said Major Risto Pärtel, Chief of Ordnance of the Defence Forces.

When purchasing the machine guns, the wish was that the machine guns would meet the conditions in Estonia. ‘For example, the design of the stock was adapted, a hot-plate was added to the barrel, and the adjustment range of the bipod was increased according to our needs,’ added Ramil Lipp, Armament Category Manager of the ECDI.

7.62×51 mm machine gun intended for the armament of the section. The approximate weight of the weapon is 8.8 kilograms and the effective firing range is over 500 metres. The effective firing range with iron sights is up to 800 metres.

The NEGEV 7.62 has a semi-automatic firing mode that enables accurate fire in various combat situations including adverse conditions, ambush, Close Quarter Battle (CQB). Exceptionally lightweight, it can be fired from a variety of mounts, including special mounts on helicopters, land vehicles, and naval vessels.

“The NEGEV 7.62 Light Machine Gun was designed according to the most up-to-date operational needs, providing improved ergonomics as well as increased component reliability. These advantages, together with its unique characteristics, make it the most effective lightweight 7.62 available for infantries” says Ronen Hamudot, Executive VP Marketing and Sales at SK Group and IWI. “We are proud the Estonian Defense Forces have chosen us to be their partners”.

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The new weapons are expected by the end of this year and will then be handed over to the Defence Forces and the Defence League. This weapon is used by several countries around the world, including the Israel Defense Forces.

Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) has been one of the world’s leading manufacturer of small arms for 90 years. Its best-known products include the NEGEV light machine gun in 5.56 & 7.62mm, the TAVOR and the new TAVOR-7 in 7.62X51mm, X95 (Micro TAVOR) and GALIL-ACE rifles. The company’s firearms are developed in close collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).


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e m rootsis10 Mar 2023 00:09
" Tallinna sadamas avati 1994. aasta 23. jaanuaril 50 Iisraelist saabunud merekonteinerit. Selgus, et nendesse pakitud 23-mm õhutõrjekahurid olid silmnähtavalt kasutamiskõlbmatud, kuigi nende ja 200 000 ühiku laskemoona hinnaks oli märgitud 5 071 000 dollarit ehk umbes 70 miljonit krooni. Pärast ekspertide esmahinnangut võttis Kaitseministeerium ühendust relvafirmaga TAAS, mille asepresidendilt saabus juba järgmisel päeval üllatav vastus, et Tallinna saabunud 50 töökorras õhutõrjekahuri näol on tegemist kingitusega."

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