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Estonian Defense Minister: 'Russian army has not changed in 100 years'
20 Mar 2023 EWR Online
Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur speaks with the Kyiv Independent in Tallinn on March 6, 2023 (Theo Prouvost) - pics/2023/03/60092_001_t.jpg
Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur speaks with the Kyiv Independent in Tallinn on March 6, 2023 (Theo Prouvost)
Estonia, a country of 1.4 million people bordering Russia, is one of the most vocal supporters of Ukraine. It's also one of the West's front line states facing an increasingly aggressive Russia.

Before Russia launched its all-out war, Estonia was among the handful of countries that provided Ukraine with military aid, including anti-tank missiles and financial support.

Since February 2022, Estonia has been among the frontrunners in supporting Ukraine, making it Kyiv's largest donor in terms of percentage of GDP.

In an exclusive interview with the Kyiv Independent, Hanno Pevkur, the Estonian defense minister, talked about the threat Russia poses to Estonia and why his country is so eager to support Ukraine.