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Estonian election debate for foreign investors
01 Feb 2023 EWR Online
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AmCham Estonia and the Foreign Investors Council of Estonia (FICE) has organized a pre-election, English-language debate that takes place today, Feb 1st, starting at 15.00 Estonian time, 8 am EST. The debate is being hosted at the Nordic Hotel Forum in Tallinn and is open to AmCham/FICE members and virtually to anyone via ERR websait.

The debate is moderated by Andreas Kaju (META Advisory), and is focused on topics of high relevance to foreign investors and businesses operating in Estonia, namely taxation, healthcare, talent attraction and retention, sustainability, digital transformation and other themes. Representatives of all major Estonian political parties are invited and will participate.
• Urmas Resinalu (Isamaa).
• Riina Sikkut (SDE).
• Joakim Helenius (Eesti 200).
• Martin Helme (EKRE).
• Tanel Kiik (Center).
• Andres Sutt (Reform).

"We will be holding this debate in cooperation with the Foreign Investors Council of Estonia (FICE), and its aim is to provide the necessary platform for leaders of foreign businesses in Estonia, as well as local companies working internationally, for posing their questions, topics and concerns, plus hearing from the speakers about their take on these important issues," said event organizer and AmCham CEO Daria Sivovol.

AmCham Estonia President Indrek Laul said that: "AmCham has been holding such pre-election debates for many years already, and thus, it has become one of the most-awaited English-speaking election events for our international community. Having the tradition of high-level representation by the parties, AmCham – being politically neutral itself – stands to provide a platform to introduce, present and debate various election topics."

"By organizing and hosting such a debate, AmCham Estonia stands for the pillars of democracy – for freedom of speech and free elections," he added.

The debate starts at 15.00 Estonian time (8am EST), on Wednesday, February 1, 2023.

AmCham Estonia
Foreign Investors Council of Estonia (FICE)