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Estonian election issues for our consideration
06 Jan 2023 Laas Leivat
 - pics/2019/06/53773_001_t.jpg
This year on March 5th Estonians will be electing a new parliament. Citizens abroad will be able to vote some two weeks earlier.

In the past, some non-participants have claimed ignorance of the issues in Estonia – a weak excuse in this digital age. The political landscape of Estonia’s domestic politics is probably not a motivator for electors abroad. But one issue that is vividly ever present for us and with which we’re inextricably involved, is Russia’s unjustified attack against Ukraine.

We’re all aware of the current national security implications for Estonia. Recognizing this, the Estonian Central Council, in urging Estonian citizens here to participate in the election, has outlined the issues that are crucial in choosing candidates who: fully support Ukraine in its fight against unjustifiable aggression; are firm advocates of NATO; reject extremism and threats to democracy.

Since the Estonian far left, such as Communists, have no sizable presence in parliament, politics or media, the extreme right has substantial public influence.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 6. jaanuar 2023 paber- ja digilehest)