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Estonian Foundation of Canada Creates Two New Funds
10 May 2021 EWR Online
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As a young man in Estonia, Martin Mäeks worked his way up to be assistant locomotive engineer. But the sea called to him, and after retraining at the Estonian Maritime School, he worked in shipping in Estonia, Germany and Sweden. Martin arrived in Canada at age 32 and soon co-founded Aero Machine and Tool Company Ltd in 1954. He believed in the strength of the Estonian community and during his lifetime, gave back in many ways. Through his Will, Martin ensured that he could continue to support what was important to him.

EFC is grateful to donors like Martin who place their trust - and money - in EFC. Founded in 1974, EFC is a registered charity supporting cultural and heritage initiatives across Canada - and is the community’s trusted financial foundation. Since 2000, EFC has provided more than $6 Million in financial support to programs, events, projects and initiatives across Canada.

We take our responsibilities to the community and to our donors seriously. Governed by our Board of Directors, dedicated professionals who volunteer their considerable expertise and time, we make decisions based on our charitable objects and established policies and regulations. EFC also requires accountability from those receiving support, who must ensure they use funding as agreed. Continuing to have the trust of our donors and the community is critical.

The Foundation’s charitable activities are funded solely through your donations and bequests which are gratefully received. EFC continues to honour the past, remain focussed on the present and set our eyes firmly on the future.

Like Martin, Estonians have long valued education - a priority that is reflected in two recent generous donations to the Foundation. EFC is especially grateful to Martin Mäeks and Vilma Blum, two recent donors whose substantial bequests/donations have allowed EFC to create two new funds. Funds focussed on - and restricted only to - scholarships.

Our new flagship [b]EFC Martin & Heljo Mäeks Scholarship[b] will grant generous scholarships to Estonian-Canadian students who are able to speak Estonian at a basic level and are registered in second year or above of an undergraduate or college program. The [b]EFC Vilma & Heinrich Blum Scholarship[b] is dedicated to supporting Estonian-Canadian students pursuing graduate work.

EFC has granted over 130 scholarships to assist post-secondary students since 2000. The Foundation believes that scholarships to our young people will support their educational goals while encouraging them to remain connected to our heritage and ensure a vibrant Estonian future. The Estonian Foundation of Canada now offers 3 scholarships to post-secondary students in the Estonian-Canadian community. For details on all EFC Scholarships and to find out how to apply, please visit https://www.estonianfoundation...

PLEASE NOTE: New EFC Scholarship Application Deadline: June 1, 2021

Eva Varangu, EFC President