Estonian Short Film Competition in Toronto
Eestlased Kanadas | 06 Oct 2016  | EWR
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Oct 5, 2016 (Toronto, Canada) Have you ever dreamt of speed dating with Estonians? Now’s your chance. Well, sort of. Toronto’s annual Estonian Documentary Film Festival (EstDocs) kicks off with a public showing of this year’s short films where you vote for the Audience Award at the 8th Annual Short Film Competition October 14th at 7:30pm.

Hosted at the Camera Bar, you’ll have the opportunity to explore Estonian culture through featured short films from all over the world. And unlike a bad date, these films won’t drag on – they vary in lengths of seven minutes or less.

The public showing of this year’s short films is “pay what you can” and all screenings are in English or have English subtitles to make it accessible to everyone. “One does not need to be Estonian to appreciate a good story with an Estonian theme,” says EstDocs Short Documentary Film Competition Director Tauno Mölder.
So what can you expect?

“The films chosen for EstDocs are sure to provide you with a window into the heart and soul of our small country,” says Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia. “Without the might of larger nations, Estonian self-­reliance, tenacity and inventiveness has translated into unique perspectives on the world and how to thrive within it. As you view this year’s films, look for these traits in the characters and the stories they tell.”

This will be the third time EstDocs showcases the short films to kick off their larger event and will feature such short films as "Am I Estonian?", "Estonian Bread" and "Roman Toi - a Century and more...". The top films will be featured at Bloor Hot Docs Cinema during the EstDocs Documentary Film Festival gala on November 4th, 2016.

“It is such a pleasure to see our audience’s growing interest in the EstDocs Short Film Competition” says Mölder.

This year’s lineup looks to be one of the best yet so come enjoy a small taste of Estonian culture. And who knows, you might even get a second date to the gala.


¤ SPECIAL SCREENING OF ESTDOCS SHORTS 8pm | Stephen Bulger Gallery (1026 Queen St. W, Toronto) | PAY WHAT YOU CAN
Doors open 7:30pm

EstDocs is presented by Tartu College, whose mandate is to study and promote culture through the literature, music and art of minority nationalities in Canada, particularly those of the Baltics. Find us @EstDocs on Twitter and at

Further information: Tauno Mölder
You can also learn more at
#estdocs, follow @Estdocs;

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