Estonian Studies programme at Tallinn University VIDEO (1)
Eestlased Kanadas | 28 Feb 2024  | EWR
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Estonia today is a thriving democracy. In just over a generation, it has revived a rich, ancient culture while also inventing the future through its vibrant tech sector and the development of e-Estonia. If you want to understand how this Nordic nation fought for freedom, survived occupation, and peacefully restored independence, come study at Tallinn University. You can experience Estonia’s diverse artistic scene, study the unique and beautiful Estonian language, learn about traditional arts and crafts, and explore pristine forests and lakes. Our students come from all over the world and all walks of life, forming a cohort eager to learn what makes Estonia such a unique place to live and study. Come join us!

Estonian Studies enables you to get a broad-based and interdisciplinary postgraduate degree and offers the possibility to see both the uniqueness and specifics of Estonia, the place of Estonia in a global context.

Estonian Studies is in many respects the calling card of Estonian State and is aimed at everybody who is interested in various aspects of Estonia. Come and study with us!

Our main target group are people who are interested in the Estonian language, culture, history and society but who do not have Estonian as their first language.

Our study programme is suitable for you:

• if you have been learning the Estonian language and culture in one of the universities in the world that teach these subjects, you are interested in Estonian culture, history and society but your Estonian is not good enough to study in Estonian. Estonian Studies will help you to enhance your knowledge on Estonia and develop your language skills.

• if your BA is in any other field but you are interested in Estonia and you wish to know how Estonian society functions, what is unique to the culture and wish to develop your Estonian language skills up to intermediate level.

• if you are interested in Estonian literature, you have some knowledge of Estonian language and you wish to translate Estonian literature into your native language in the future.

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Foreigers love Estonia!29 Feb 2024 10:43
In Tartu, I met a chemistry student from France doing a semester abroad. She enjoyed it so much that she extended it to a year.
The university environment is cosmopolitan. English is used everywhere. It's almost an official second language.

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Eestlased Kanadas
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