Estonian Tastes and Traditions on sale December 10
Archived Articles | 06 Dec 2005  | EL (Estonian Life)EWR
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Are you looking for the perfect rosolje recipe? or perhaps the ultimate mulgikapsad? and have you ever wondered why a traditional Estonian family always put a whole fish on the table on New Year's Eve? If so, "Estonian Tastes and Traditions" is for you.
 - pics/2005/11858_1.jpg

This new English-language hardcover cookbook is 315 pages with 200+ recipes.

These recipes include traditional foods like verivorstid (Christmas blood sausage), marineeritud räimed (marinated smelts), hapukapsasupp (sauerkraut soup), ühepajatoit (lamb with root vegetables), hakklihakaste (ground beef gravy), and aleksandrikook (Alexander's cake) as well as more modern Estonian foods like õlles hautatud liha (beef braised in beer), soolatud lõhe (gravlax), krabitarretis (crab mold), singipirukad ananassiga(ham and pineapple pierogies), banaanimagustoit "Vana Tallinn" (bananas topped with Vana Tallinn liqueur), and kräsupea kook (curly-top cake). Many of the recipes were submitted by Estonians around the world, kitchen-tested, and in some cases updated.

There are also chapters on Estonian history, Estonians in Estonia and abroad, and holiday traditions, as well as a comprehensive Estonian-English and English-Estonian food term glossary.

The publication date is December 10 and will be available for Christmas! The cover price is $24.95.

For those interested in purchasing the books:

In the U.S.
• Buy them at the NY Estonian House Jõululaat on December 10 for $22.
• Buy them from the NY Estonian House kitchen beginning on December 10 for $22.
• Order from the author -- $22 for books that are picked up or hand delivered. $25 if they need to be mailed (regardless of distance). These orders must be in by December 14. Cash (preferred!) or checks made out directly to Karin Annus Karner. No credit cards.

Email (preferred!)
Call or fax (914) 238-3846
Send a note to Karin Annus Karner
1 Charles Court
Chappaqua, NY 10514

• Order on or BarnesandNoble. com (for post-Christmas delivery)

In Canada:
• Buy them at the estore at the Toronto Estonian House beginning on December 15 for $30 (CAN) + 7% GST (+ shipping & handling if necessary)
• Order from the author (see above). Checks must be in US $ currency.
• Order on or (for post-Christmas delivery)

In Estonia:
• Available in bookstores in the spring.

Enjoy! Jatku leivale!

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