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Estonian youth exchange Estonian Life
10 Jun 2017 EL (Estonian Life)
August 13 – 24, 2017
Youth exchange brings together 30 young people aged 18-26 of Estonian origin; 20 living abroad and 10 from Estonia. The main aim of the youth exchange is to introduce the Estonian culture and language to participants.

The programme includes: Estonian history and cultural heritage; Estonian success stories, good practices and planned future developments; Estonian language in the non-formal learning environment; work and study opportunities in Estonia; Estonian governance system; creating the network for young people of Estonian origin that might support repatriation .

The programme consists of various activities organized in different parts of Estonia. The participants will have a chance to visit cultural and historic places in Tallinn. The programme includes visits to successful Estonian companies to learn about their innovative practices. The participants will get information about work and study opportunities in Estonia and build network for the future. A field trip to Lahemaa National Park - one of the oldest and most beautiful national parks in the Baltics - will be organized. Participants will hike in the wetlands and try out Estonian sauna traditions. In the second part of the programme, the participants travel to Põlvamaa to experience authentic Estonian culture and heritage. They will learn Estonian national dances and discover nature while canoeing in Taevaskoja. After that the programme continues in the city of good thoughts – Tartu – to explore the Estonian National Museum and learn about study opportunities in the University of Tartu and experience the positive vibe of student life by taking a walk through the streets of the city. The programme ends in Tallinn, with more visits to examine good practices of private and public sector of Estonia. During the whole exchange programme the participants will have a chance to learn and practice Estonian in the non-formal learning environment.

The youth exchange programme is organized by youth organization Seiklejate Vennaskond, coordinated by Estonian Youth Work Centre and financed by the Compatriots Programme of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.
Heleri Alles, Seiklejate Vennaskond,