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Estonians Have Second-Highest Level of Trust in EU
05 Aug 2012 EWR Online
Estonian Review
A Eurobarometer survey conducted in May showed that 52% of Estonia's residents trust the European Union and 35% tend not to trust it. The outcome puts Estonians in second place among the most pro-EU nations. High levels of trust were also observed in Bulgaria (55%) and in Denmark, Belgium and Slovakia (49% each). Compared to the Eurobarometer study in November 2011, Estonians' trust in the EU has even risen a little.

"Estonians' trust in the EU is all the more surprising because by the time the survey was taken the justice chancellor had contested the compliance of the ESM treaty with the Constitution," the head of the European Commission representation in Estonia, Hannes Rumm, said in a blog entry. In his view, the high level of trust can be explained by the fact that despite several years of crisis, Estonians perceive the EU as a reliable and necessary partner that supports the development of the Estonian economy and increases the country's security in several ways.

Across the EU27, an average of 31% of respondents tend to trust and 60% not to trust the bloc. Trust was lowest in countries suffering from serious economic difficulties such as Greece (19%), Spain (21%) and Italy (22%) and the traditionally most euro-sceptical UK (16%).

The standard Eurobarometer survey was carried out between 12-27 May using face to face interviews. TNS Opinion and Analysis interviewed 32 728 people in 27 member states and the candidate countries. In Estonia the poll was conducted by TNS Emor.