ETA news 15.march
Kuumad uudised | 15 Mar 2002  | EEEWR
Estonian president Arnold Rüutel and Hungarian foreign minister Janos Martonyi are hopeful that the questions remaining in the accession talks with the European Union will be resoved and that the negotiations will conclude this year.

President Arnold Rüütel received a decoration from the International Military Sports Federation.

Vice+Admiral Tarmo Kõuts, in greeting the participants in joint Baltic military exercises, said that the common message from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to the world, should be future NATO membership, together.

British prime minister Tony Blair meeting with the Baltic States heads of government, said that all three nations should join the European Union and NATO in the near future.

If the current lists of party membership are endless, then the new law on elections will allow only 123 candidates per party to run for elections.

According to the decision of the parliamentary constitutional committee, members of parliament cannot belong to municipal councils even though they cannnot stop members from running in both elections.

The Pro Patria parliamnetary caucus considers the language policy of the government coalition to be dangerous and suspects that the coalition is bending to Russia's pressure.

Mnister of finance/transportation/communications Liina Tõnisson has formed a commission to deal with ministerial integration. The group is headed up by ministerial counsellor Kostel Gerndorf.

Education minister Mailis Rand is not planning to move the ministry back to Tallinn.

Estonian legations abroad provided 600 citizens or people with permanent resident status who had lost their papers, with documents with which they could return to Estonia.

Prime Minister Siim Kallas has promised the union of judges that their salary scale should be based on the same criteria as members of parliament and ministers, namely a multiple of the national average salary.

The Business Development Foundaqtion's council has provided 1.66 million crowns for finishing the creative work on the "Know Estonia" project and the compilation of its book on brands.

The assistant mayor of Tallinn, Toomas Vitsut, suspects the the manager of FC Flora, Aivar Pohlak, is trying to illegal remove property with regards to the Lilleküla football stadium.

Tallinn Airport made a 10 million crown profit on a turnover of 173 million.

Prime Minister Simm Kallas is participating at the European Union summit meeting in Barcelona.

According to Eesti Päevaleht Tallinn will not allow a joint procession of Estonian and Russian football fans through the streets on the occasion of the March 27 match.

Postimees writes that about 200 retired policemen are in financial hardship because the government has not found the funds to pay a promised special pension as outlined in law.

Äripäev states that today Estonian Energy is presenting new electricity rates to the energy market inspectorate, which will be an increase for the individual user but a decrease for business.

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