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ETA news summary April 17, 2002
17 Apr 2002 EE
ETA news summary April 17, 2002

President Arnold Ruutel meeting with European parliamnet president Pat Cox said that Estonia is undergoing serious preparations for accession to the European Union but that the agricultural quotas for the country are unrealistic.

Pat Cox promised to take up the issue of Estonian's farmers concerns in the European Parliament.

Foreign minister Krostiina Ojuland supported Pat Cox's idea of the acceeding states getting observer status in the European Parliament after the agreement with the European Union has been signed.

President Arnold Ruutel has not received an invitation from Russia. Preparations for that visit have not therefore begun.

The cabinet approved the spending of an addition 400 million crowns from the supplementary budget.

The accession to the European Union is dependent on the parliament which still has to pass 100 pieces of legislation before accession is possible.

The government in principle supports the plan of the national broadcast council which has proposed the union of Estonian Television and Estonian Radio.

The government wants to extend the validity of Estonian language qualification diplomas by one and a half years. They would have lost their legitimacy this July.

Social affairs minister Siiri Oviir said that drastic changes in health care policies should not be made. Each aspect should be treated seperately.

The constitutional committe of the parliament opposes the proposal of the Centre party whihc would allow a party's maximum number of parliamentary candidates to be 156.

Tallinn plans to re-open its representation at the European Union in Brussels. It had been abandoned by Tallinn's former government.

The Tallinn courts gave a three probationary sentence to Vinni Tinn, the former head of the traffic accident fund for causing a 120 million crown loss.

The crominal police charged a gang which included the former mayor of Kohtla-Jarv, Valeri Loidap in holding for ransom a Kohtla-Jarve city counsellor, Nikolai Knjazevi.

The executive of the Isamaliit Tallinn chapter opooses the building of 5000 housing units by the Tallinn government for people forced to rent. It supports the elimination of rent controls in the city.

The meat production committee of the chamber of agricultural and commerce says that it become manadatory that meat product labels include the percent of bone mass in the product.

The commanders of the defence forces of the Baltic States are meeting today in Tallinn to discuss joint defence projects.

According to Postimees, the consumers' protection office opposes profit making at the Tallinn Water establisment.
