ETA News summary April 22,2002
Kuumad uudised | 22 Apr 2002  | EEEWR
ETA News summary April 22,2002

Prime minister Siim Kallas promised to supported Turkey in its quest for European Union membership, after Estonia has acceeded to the E.U. This was during a state visit by Turkish president Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

In a telephone call to Estonian foreign minister Kristiina Ojuland, Russian foreign minister Igpr Ivanov has affirmed his intention to visit Estonia. Preparations for visit have begun.

Prime Minister Siim Kallas and ex-PM Mart Laar are speaking today at a conference of academics in social affairs and discussing about the idea of a two-tiered population, the haves and have-nots.

The political parety Res Publica condemns the current two party government for not having enough "government sense" and the governing Centre and Reform parties of political terrorism.

The Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian agricultural ministers discussed in Tartu their common positions in terms of the expansion of the European Union and expressed dissatisfaction with respect to the production quotas and subsidies.

The township reeves interested in Estonian accession to the European Union have been asked to forward their agendas to the government.

The extra pension promised retired policement at the start of the year has now been disbursed.

Research conducted by the health care fund indicates that patients with serious sypmtoms have access to a fund-affiliated doctor in 24 hours as established by an agreement between the fund and family physicians.

The executive of the health care fund is willing to raise fees for private doctors by June 1. The federation of hospitals is only partial satisfied with this.

Physicians, patients and officials have decided that the money for purchasing gleevecil can be drawn from budgertary governmental reserve funds.

The centre for investigation tax fraud is accusing wealthy businessman Ernesto Preatoni and his legal counsel Aivar Pihlak of being involved in tax fraud in dealings with Baltic Investments. The accused deny this.

The executive of the foundation for entrepreneurial development has decided decide to support firms by 3.5 million crowns in 2003 for participating at 12 foreign trade shows.

As a result of armed robbery of a store in Tartu, 12 security police have started to patrol the city's downtown.

The interior ministry has completed writing legislation which will give the office of immigration and citizenship, the police increased rights to investigate illegal residents and illegal employment.

Seventeen employers will give summer jobs to 850 students between the ages of 13 - 18 this summer.

Estonian Energy will present a cliam of loss to Facio Ehitus explaining that the latter cause major electricity crisis in Viljandi last week.

Police intelligence identified the computer hacker that broke into the home page of the conference of Russian political parties. The accused is being indicted.

Edgar Savisaar, the mayor of Tallinn is officially opening students days in the city. Included in the festivities are a prade and a sculpture exhibit.

According the Eesti Paevaleht, officials of the chorus, orchestra and ballet section of the National Opera have demanded the dismissal of chief conductor Paul Magi.

Ariaev has stated that businessman and Reform Party funder Vello Merilo has received a building permit to construct in a prohibited zone in the Vilsandi national park and also will be granted a similar permit to build at the shore of Abruka island. Heiki Kranich, minister of the envronment, the minister who issued these permits is Merilo's political party collegue in the Reform party.

Kuumad uudised