ETA news summary April 26, 2002
Kuumad uudised | 26 Apr 2002  | EWR
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ETA news summary April 26, 2002

Thomas Klestil, Austria's president, on leaving a visit in Estonia, said that Austria would welcome Estonia as a member of the European Union, as part of a group of small countries.

The parliament has formed a new regulatory board for gaming. Three opposition, there government party members and three members from ministries make up the board.

One third of the Estonian population support increases in defence spending while 13% support decereases, according to a recent poll.

A survey indicates that poeple put their trust into firefighters, ambulance and emergency services workers, but not into journalists and parliamentarians.

A coalition of patriotic/democratic groups and the Pro Patria party are striving have legislation regarding aliens removed from the agenda of parliament.

The chair of the parliamentary justice committe, Vaino Linde, says that a judges private life should in keeping with accepted community norms and that most judges follow into this lifestyle.

The board of regional policy has proposed to the interior ministry and revenue ministry to make its easier for rural residents to deal with government bureaucracy whereby they would not have to visit different cities to complete soem bureaucratic process.

A court bailiffon orders of state fund siezed the bank accounts of the town of Pussi. Pussi has been unbale to pay a 8 million crown loan it owes and may become the first municipality to go into receivership.

There were 1677 applicants for 348 positions open at the prison in Tartu.

Estonian Telephone and Estonian Telecom have made 251 million crowns in net profits for the first quarter of this year.

The client base for Estonian Mobile Telephone increased during the first ythree month of 2002 by 8300, bring the number of users to 391,000.

The Agricultural Registry and Informattion Agency will pay out 110 million crowns in support to 2723 owners of dairy cattle.

Tallinn is subsidising people not on the national health plan by a total of 7 million crowns as foreseen in its budget.

The defence ministry its celebrating its 10th anniversary of reestablishment after Estonia regained its freedom.

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