ETA news summary April 30, 2002
Kuumad uudised | 30 Apr 2002  | EWR
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ETA news summary April 30, 2002

On a visit to Estonia, Dmitri Rogozin, the chair of the foreign relations committe of the Russian Duma, said that the Duma will be debating the questions of Estonian-Russian border and the possibility of eliminating double tarrifs on Estonian imports in May.

The interior ministry is asking for one half million crowns from government reserves for extra security at the Eurovision song competition.

Foreign minister has been assigned by the government to sign am agreement in Vilnius on disallowing the death penalty as a punishment to any charges.

Eleven municipalities will be amalgamated in the summer. Seven are in Raplamaa, two in Harjumaa and Polvamaa.

Highway improvement is planned for the Tallinn-Narva, Tallinn-Tartu-Luhamaa and Tallinn-Parnu-Ikla highways this summer. Traffic will be impeded there.

Bulding costs have increased by 4.4% in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same quarter last year.

The government firm AS Eesti Loto has payed out winning of 21 million crowns the first quarter, 13% more than the same period last year.

Nearly 1000 kilometers of highways were cleaned by 1700 volunteers who gathered 11,000 75 litre bags of carbage.

The May 1st concert of Montserrat Caballe has again been cancelled at the Tallinnn Saku Hall due to her illness.

Approximately 1200 drivers could be in violation driving with suspended licences due to drinking or other traffic or other violations.

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