ETA news summary MaRCH 14,2002 (1)
Kuumad uudised | 14 Mar 2002  | EEEWR
ETA news summary MaRCH 14,2002

THenational broadcast council last evening chose to offer the position of chairman of Estonian Television to Ilmar Raag. The final decision will confirmed Monday.

Prime Minister Siim Kallas will meet this afternoon with his British counterpart Tony Blair in London and will participate at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Devlopment where he delivers a speech.

THe Finnnish representative in the European Parliament, Ikka Souminen, in a speech yesterday in Strasbourg, supported Estonia and said it was too much to demand a quick liberalization of its energy market.

On a visit to Estonia, Hungary's foreign minister Janos Martony undersigned an agreement with his EStonian counterpart Kristiina Ojuland regarding the reciprocal return of individuals and reached agreement on a number of future accords in development between the two countries.

The parliament extended the deadline to July 1, 2006, for using governmental securities provided for privatizing real estate.

The parliament passed a law which allows individual supreme court appeals regarding the possible violation of individual rights by presidential or parliamentary decisions.

Interminister Ain Seppik said it's not necessary to increase the severity of punishment to decrease illegal drug activity, but rather the treatment of addicts.

According to justice ministry statistics, at year's end 3473 criminal cases remained unresolved in the court system. This is an important indicator over the last years.

620 applicants are seeking employment at the Tartu prison, slated to the opened by the end of the year. That's makes two applicants for every job opening.

Estonian Energy decided to lower the basic electricity rate from 20 to 5 crowns. It confirmed the rate of 1.05 crowns per kilowatt hour as opposed 1.10 crowns as previously proposed.

The Federation of Estonian Buildings Products Producers chose as the concrete structure of the year as Muuga's dry wood products terminal.

Financially suffering Viru Radio terminated its activities since the minister of culture would not suport it from reserve funds.

The 27 poisoned drug addicts on the weekend used synthetic heroin, according to interior minister Ain Seppik at a parliamentary session.

Zimbabwe's electoral commission declared as winner of the presidential elections Robert Mugabe, 78, who, according to electoral officials received 400,000 votes more than his opponent Morgan Tsvangirai.

According the Eesti Päevaleht, Tallinn mayor Edgar Savisaar the "clock of freedom" to be placed on freedom square will not only mark the time from Eswtonia's independence in 1918 but also from the time of re-establishing independce in 1991.

Postimees writes that the new chairman of Estonian Television Ilmar Raag will make it a priority to establish a financial plan for making the corporation financially stable.

According to Äripaev, the defence police have at the beginnning of March reopened its investigation against Jaak Lippmaa accused of using his position as a former director of the government communications agency for personal gain.

Maaleht writes that people in rural areas are forced to join political parties. Local townships are in disagreement with this but will not protest.

According to Eesti Express 50 drug addicts have died during the last week from heroin addiction.


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lugeja #13214 Mar 2002 08:21
On vaga hea et kirjutade uudiseid in English. Hea panna kõrvuti Eesti keelega. Saab palju teada. Thanks.

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