ETA news summary May 21,
Kuumad uudised | 21 May 2002  | EEEWR
ETA news summary May 21, 2002

President Arnold Ruutel named as Estonia's ambassador to Italy, Juri Seilenthal and recalled Jaak Joeruut.

President Arnld Ruutel declared into law the legislation on political parties which will aloow financial grants from the budget based on representation in parliament.

Teh parliament delayed debate this week on Estonian Tadio's and Estonian Television's short term development plans.

Research shows that 70% of Saaremaa's population prefers a bridge rather than a tunnel as a permanent connector with the island and the mainland.

The industrial production index rose 0.4% in April compared to March and 0.8% in April compared to the same period last year.

Gross monthly pay during the first quarter in all establishments was 5721 crowns, 12.2% higher than last year.

Saaremaa Shipping Company has made 228 extra trips this year transporting passengers to western Estonian islands.

For the position of chairman of the health insurance there are eight candidates which the fund initially is holding in confidence.

The state prosecutors office sent information to the police intelligence department regarding the investigation of fule theft at Muuga harbour.

The criminal police have sent the case of Eero Toiger who allegedly accidently wounded judge Merle Parts to the state prosecutor's office.

According to Eesti Paevaleht auhtor Jaan Kross has wanrned organizations nopt to participate at a conference in Russia on the former soviet republics.
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