ETA news summary May 3, 2002
Kuumad uudised | 03 May 2002  | EWR
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ETA news summary May 3, 2002

On a visit to Prague, president Arnold Ruutel in a meeting with the president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel once again got assurance from the latter of his support on NATO membership for Estonia.

In a proposal to the parliament and minister of culture Signe Kivi, Estonian freedoms fighters want March 27th to be declared a national holiday for commemorating fallen freedom fighters.

A company managing work in prisons want to put to work 500 prisoners this year, representing an increase of 300 over last year.

The opposition in Tallinn city council initiated a motion on non-confince against the vice-chair of the audit committee.

The co-ordinating working group of forestry development has sent their porposals to the respective ministry and thereafter to the government for approval.

Budgetary income of 10,882,000,000 crowns has been received by government coffers in the first four months representing 32.85% of budgeted yearly income.

In the first quarter milk production increased by 3% and egg production decreased by 6% compared to the same period last year.

Shipments through the port of Tallinn increased by 21.4 % over the first four months as compared with last year, for a totaL of 12.15 million tons.

Viru Hotel in Tallinn is building a 150 room hotel, Viru-2, adjacent to it next year.

The financial inspection agency anticipates to register by Saturday four additional pension funds in addition to the 11 already registered.

Employers have proposed changes to the parliamentary committee on finance regarding the legislation on workmen's compensation and worker health care insurance. Unions are protesting about delays in parliamentary approval.

The art museum construction foundation announced a public competition for bids to purchase a building in the old town owned by the ministry of culture. Starting price is 70 million crowns.

In a long term legal suit against the film distribution firm Filmimax the Cinema Federation has decided on an out of court settlement for the 400,000 crowns owed to it. This would aviod bankruptcy for Filmimax.

Tarmo Tamm, the mayor of Polva, has opened a bank account for donations to rebuild the song stage destroyed in a fire on the night of May 1st. The Uhispank account number is 10402011160006.

The former press secretary of Mart Laar's government, Priit Poiklik begins his new career next week at Star FM radio where with TV3's Enn Eesmaa and Mart Treier they will run a morning radio show.

According to Postimees, political parties Pro Patria and the Centre Party will have 1000 crown child support proposals as part of their next elections campaign platforms.

Aripeav writes that that Indrek Nievelt of Hanspank leads their poll of 100 top business executives.<

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