ETA's news summary, March 18,
Kuumad uudised | 18 Mar 2002  | EWR
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ETA's news summary, March 18, 2002

Interior minister Ain Seppik is placing a special reserve squad of crowd control/riot police to patrol the streets of downtown Tallinn today.

The energy market inspectorate is today demanding a lowering of basic electricity rates Estonian Energy from 20 to 5 crowns in all sectors. Estonian Energy offered a decrease in only two sectors.

The a Division of McCann Erikson received the most awards in a competition of last year's ad campaigns of the Estonian Federation of Advertising Agencies.

Education minister Mailis Rand considers the mandatory subjects in the education program to be too burdensome and is plannning to decrease the level.

Tallinn prosecutors are abandoning the investigation of lawyer Üllar Talviste, who was involved in the sale of Vilja Savisaar's house, due to a lack of information regading criminality.

The foreign ministry states that residents of Estonia lost more personal documents in Helsinki than anywhere else. Of the total 700 lost around the world, 141 were lost in Helsinki.

Worthless 500 crown coins are in circulation in Estonia. They are internet shopping metal tokens.

According to Emor's opinion poll, of the 10 most viewed televison broadcasts in February, eight were from the Salt Lake City olympics, showed in prime time.

Tallinn's drug squad discovered the first caches of illegal drugs that have sent nearly one hundred overdosed addicts to hospital.

Eesti Päevaleht reveals that stores are selling illegal caviar.

According to Äripäeav, the government has probelms with the second phase of the pension program.

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