EU and US accused of cover-up on organ trafficking (2)
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 14 Feb 2011  | EWR OnlineEWR
Andrew Willis
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Western governments have known about the criminal activities of senior politicians in Kosovo for a long time, Council of Europe investigator Dick Marty has said, adding that Europe is now unwilling to properly investigate the situation for fear of being exposed.

"Western countries knew all the time what was happening in Kosovo but nobody did anything about it," Mr Marty said in an interview with the Slovenian daily Delo on Saturday (12 February).

A report published by Mr Marty in December sent shockwaves through the international community when it linked Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to a gruesome crime ring which carried out organ harvesting and heroin smuggling in the region.

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Dragan19 Feb 2011 11:30
its sad that the US and europe new this in 1999 and still pushed for severing serbia's holyist of placesThese are the people they supported
Dragan18 Feb 2011 16:05
theis is the kind of people and governments america supports.insane.!

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Rahvusvahelised uudised
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