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EU Foreign Ministers: The Israel-Palestine Conflict Cannot be Solved by Military Means
31 Dec 2008 EWR Online
At the extraordinary informal meeting of the European Union foreign minister that took place on the evening of Tuesday, 30 December in Paris, the foreign policy leaders called upon Hamas and Israel to cease military actions immediately and allow humanitarian aid access to Gaza. The ministers also recognised the mediation work done by Egypt and the Arab League for resolving the newly escalated conflict.

Foreign Minister Urmas Paet stated that the European Union foreign ministers emphasised that the Israel-Palestine conflict cannot be resolved with military means. "The solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine must be based upon the Annapolis process and the creation of a Palestinian state that can peacefully co-exist with Israel," said the Estonian foreign minister. "Therefore it is extremely necessary for a truce to come into effect and the peace process to be resumed," he added.

In Paris, the European Union foreign ministers noted that the European Union, as the main donor of development aid in Palestine, is prepared to send quick humanitarian aid to Gaza in co-operation with the UN and third sector aid organisations. "It is crucial to prevent the further loss of civilian lives and for humanitarian aid to have access to the Gaza region," stressed the Estonian foreign minister. "The end of military violence must also mean the opening of border points, the distribution of food and medical aid to the Gaza region, and the evacuation of injured residents. The European Union is prepared to help with the re-opening of the Rafah border crossing in co-operation with Egypt, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority," Paet added.

Spokesperson’s Office
