EU parliament takes first shot at hedge fund regulation (1)
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 25 Nov 2009  | EWR OnlineEWR
Andrew Willis

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – A new report on hedge fund and private equity regulation, published by an influential MEP on Wednesday (25 November), highlights the diverging views held by European parliamentarians and the Swedish EU presidency on the matter.

The report by the French centre-right MEP Jean-Paul Gauzes says fund managers should be forced to agree on pre-determined levels of borrowing before making investments, a significantly tougher position than that currently adopted by the Swedes on behalf of member states.

In an explanatory memorandum attached to Mr Gauzes's report, the MEP says fund managers should "define [leverage] limits in advance for every fund they manage".

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european union26 Nov 2009 07:31
the financial elite marches towards its banking one world government dictatorship

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