David J. Lynch, USA TODAY
It didn't take long for the currency of tomorrow to become yesterday's news.
Little more than six months ago, after gathering strength for much of 2009, the euro reached a value of $1.51. That plateau came after a British newspaper reported that Middle East oil barons were secretly plotting to abandon the embattled dollar and set their prices using a basket of several currencies, including the euro.
Europe's coin — a decade after its celebrated launch — appeared finally to have come into its own.
No one thinks that today. Instead, amid a government debt crisis that has rattled Greece and taken aim at several of its neighbors, the euro — now worth $1.22 — seems blighted and adrift.
Read on here:
European crisis batters euro a decade after celebrated launch
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 03 Jun 2010 | EWR
Rahvusvahelised uudised