European Parliament Resolution on Estonia (12)
Archived Articles | 24 May 2007  | EWR OnlineEWR
A Resolution expressing solidarity with Estonia and calling on Russia to cease its economic and verbal threats was adopted today by a very large majority of the European Parliament. The resolution expressed its solidarity with Estonia and calling on Russia to cease its economic and verbal threats. One of the initiators of the resolution, Tunne Kelam MEP EPP-ED, expressed his satisfaction with the cross-party support from Parliament's main political groups for the resolution. (The resolution was adopted by 460 votes with 31 against).

"The key message is that Estonia is a test case for EU solidarity," Kelam said. "My political Group was right to remain true to the position in supporting Estonia in this case - as at the Samara Summit Chancellor Merkel and Commission President Barroso also declared that EU solidarity was being tested by targeting one EU Member State," Kelam commented.

The resolution as adopted "reminds the Russian authorities that the indiscriminate and hostile rhetoric used by the Russian authorities against Estonia is in sharp contrast to the principles of international behaviour and will impact on EU-Russia relations as a whole".

The resolution also calls on the European Commission and all the Member States to assist in the analyses of the cyber-attacks on Estonian websites and to present a study on how such attacks and threats can be addressed at EU level.

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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous30 May 2007 08:57
Back to the original subject. . .
Leading and influential Canadian Political blogger Jason Cherniak has posted about Estonia:
to FYI29 May 2007 18:50
Yes he did; then he changed his confused mind.
By haunting us here with taunts and insults, Maxim/Erik gets temporary relief from the pain in his soul. He will not leave until the readers' commentary section is restricted to paid subscribers.
FYI...29 May 2007 18:02
Maxim identified himself back in February... Here it is:

Anonymous 15 Feb 2007 16:55
Teema: Re: Viido, kuule nüüd! (3)

Nii nagu maxim kirjutab tuletab mulle meelde vana sopra kes laks kaua tagasi Eestisse: Eerik Konze! Eerik oli alati kiire rumalusi utlema. Maxim oledgi Konze!!

Vasta Saada uus kommentaar Loe seda teemat

Maxim. 16 Feb 2007 05:16
Teema: Re: Viido, kuule nüüd!

Egas ma siis nii kiiresti ei karganud vastata-võtsin ikka veidi aega, aga ükskõik siis-tuli välja nagu tuli. Vähemalt nüüd kodumaal ja saan ilma teie pideva nääklemiseta rahulikumalt elada. Õnne teile seal kaugel mere taga!

Loe kõiki kommentaare (12)

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