Exhibit of European Union-themed cartoons on display in Estonian virtual embassy
Archived Articles | 04 May 2009  | EWR OnlineEWR
An exhibit of European Union and Estonian-themed cartoons opened in the Estonian virtual embassy in Second Life on 4 May. The cartoons are part of a larger travelling exhibit made up of cartoons that appeared in Estonian newspapers from 1 May 2004 – 2009. In all, there are 50 cartoons in the travelling exhibit, which made stops in different Estonian counties and can now be viewed in the European Union House (open weekdays 11 – 17, Laikmaa 15, Tallinn).

“The cartoons take viewers five years back in time and remind them, month by month, year by year, of the important events that Estonia as a European Union member state has left behind it, or hasn’t—some are still relevant today,” acting secretary Maige Prööm of the Estonian Newspaper Association explains about the exhibit.

The exhibit is on display in the exhibit hall of the virtual embassy until the end of May. For more information about the virtual environment, visit http://www.secondlife.com.

The exhibit was ordered by the representation of the European Commission in Estonia and compiled by the Estonian Newspaper Association.
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