Eestlased Kanadas | 30 Nov 2006  | EWR OnlineEWR

SPADINA HOUSE 285 Spadina Road Toronto
(south of St. Clair Ave., north of Davenport Rd., next door to Casa Loma) Parking at Casa Loma.

Mõned fotod hämarast SPADINA muuseumimajast ja kultuuriprogrammi avamiselt.
Toronto multikultuuri esindaja tutvustab Eesti väljapanekut

Helle Arro Eesti Etnograafia ringi poolt

EV Aupeakonsul Kanadas Laas Leivat

EV Suursaatkonnast Ottawas Rasmus Lumi
Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas esimees Avo Kittask. Ühtlasi eesti kultuuriprogrammi korraldaja SPADINA muuseumi majas
Jõuludest õp. Andres Taul

Näituse ja käsitööde müügi korraldajad

vas. EV Suursaatkond Ottawas Rasmus Lumi, EKNi esimees Avo Kittask, EV Aupeakonsul Laas Leivat, Kanada värske Spordiminister Peter Van Loan pärast pidulikku osa.

Eesti jõulukaardid SPADINA muuseumis

Sharing Our Traditions Family Sundays

December 3, 10 & 17 from Noon to 5:00 p.m.

Adults - $8.00, Seniors & Youths - $7.00, Children - $6.00

12:30 Psaltery/Kannel with Tiit Kao & Dace Veinberga (basement)

1:00 Songs to Share with dad and daughter, featuring Andres & Järvi Raudsepp (drawing room)

1:30 Jöulujutud Story with Laas Leivat accompanied by Dace Veinberga (2nd floor)

2:00 Edwardian Music with the Taffanel Ensemble (drawing room)

2:30 Psaltery/Kannel with Tiit Kao & Dace Veinberga (basement)

3:00 Songs to Share with dad and daughter, featuring Andres & Järvi Raudsepp (drawing room)

3:30 Edwardian Music with the Taffanel Ensemble (drawing room)

4:00 Jöulujutud Story with Laas Leivat accompanied by Dace Veinberga (2nd floor)

4:30 Edwardian Music with the Taffanel Ensemble (drawing room)

December 10th, we will feature the ‘Estonia’ Choir at 1pm and 3pm singing Estonian Christmas carols, and on December 17th, Family Sundays will be playing host to the Estonian Baptist Church Enemble, at 1pm and 3pm.

All cultural groups have celebrations with the same common underpinnings: food, music and family. Bring your family to our home for three Sundays of Edwardian and Estonian music, food, storytelling and crafts. There will be kitchen demonstrations, refreshments from both cultures, special exhibits and Estonian and Edwardian Christmas tree decorations to make and take home. We hope you will join us in the celebrations!

City of Toronto Culture Division,

Spadina Museum: Historic House & Gardens,

Estonian Central Council in Canada and the Estonian Ethnographic Society in Canada present:

Sharing Our Traditions: Cultural Holidays in Toronto

The City of Toronto, Culture Division, Spadina Museum: Historic House & Gardens, the Estonian Central Council in Canada and the Estonian Ethngraphic Society in Canada, welcome you to our launch reception for Sharing Our Traditions. Exploring holiday customs from Toronto's rich cultural past, Sharing our Traditions is a programme designed to partner the City of Toronto's museums with a cultural community group for collaborative celebration and learning. This year Spadina Museum's Edwardian Christmas celebrations and Estonian holiday customs come together under one roof.

Christmas in Toronto evolved from the mainly British traditions brought to Upper Canada in the early 1800s by the first settlers. Since then it has been influenced by the traditions of the multitude of immigrant cultures who now call Toronto home and is today, one of the highpoints of the holiday calendar.

There are many customs associated with Estonian Christmas celebrations including traditional Christmas food, drink, music and song. These traditions have been preserved over the years and were brought across the seas by the many Estonians who arrived and settled in Canada. We hope your visit to Spadina will inspire you to discover more about the diverse communities in our great city.
Merry Christmas and Rõõmsaid jõule

Evening Programme

On the first floor:

Historic Kitchen: Cooking demonstration of Christmas treats

Billiard Room: Austin family Christmas tree and Christmas card exhibit

Library: Early twentieth century Estonian Christmas Card display from the collection of Emile Eerme, compiled by Peeter Piil

Dining Room: 1901 Austin Family Christmas Birthday party exhibit

On the second floor:

Craft Room: Estonian Saunatuba Exhibit

Blue Room: Estonian family Christmas Exhibit, with Jõulupuu. Created by the Estonian Ethnographic Society.

On the third floor:

6:15 Remarks: Hon Consul General, Mr Laas Leivat,

Charges d’affaires, Mr Rasmus Rumi

Estonian Ethnogramphic Society in Canada Chair,

Ms Helle Arro

Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor, Rev. Dr Andres Thal

Executive Director, Toronto Culture, Ms Rita Davies

6:45 Estonian Psaltery music by Dace Veinberga

Light refreshments, including Anglo-Canadian and Estonian refreshments, made by Cathy O’Connor and the Volunteer Cooks of Spadina Museum, and Ülle Veltmann, Manager of the Estonian House Cafe.

Toronto Culture

Museums & Heritage Services


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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Lia06 Dec 2006 17:14
Kui teised isikud tegutseksid rohkem, oleks Leivati ja Kittaski pidev osavott mitte nii silmapaistev.
Ait'ah Laas ja Avo t'anamata panuse eest, lugemata eesti tegevustes.
Anonemouse-ile05 Dec 2006 14:15
Ai, ai kadedus ja õelus. Aga siiski eestilik.
Anonymous03 Dec 2006 14:44
suur tänu töökate naiste piltide eest

viimaks ometi

kui mitu korda peame Leivati ja Kitaski nägu vaatama!!!!

Loe kõiki kommentaare (3)

Eestlased Kanadas