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Finally, SAKU is available in LCBO stores
21 Oct 2005 EWR Online
To all of our new friends in the Estonian community,

Finally, SAKU is available in LCBO stores. It has taken the LCBO some time in releasing SAKU for some unknown reasons but at last the beer you have been patiently waiting for is here. Saku will be showing up at more and more stores as days go by. From what I understand after speaking with a number of LCBO store managers, many of you in the Estonian community have done a wonderful job in getting into your local stores and asking for the product.

We at BGS Intertrade Ltd. would like to thank you for the support you have all shown thus far and hope to see SAKU have great success so that we may be able to provide your community with Estonian Vodka in the future. We will continue to answer any questions or concerns that you may have regarding present and future projects and products.

BGS Intertrade Ltd.
