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Funding available for preserving Estonian cultural heritage abroad
10 Jan 2023 EWR Online
Photo: Eesti Instituut - pics/2023/01/59889_001_t.jpg
Photo: Eesti Instituut
The National Archives of Estonia is calling for grant applications in the field of collection, preservation, and publicization of Estonian cultural heritage created by expatriates or about expatriates.

The National Archives of Estonia is calling for grant applications for projects that support the collection, preservation and publicization of Estonian cultural heritage created by expatriates or about expatriates. Cultural heritage refers to both oral and material heritage, including folklore, life stories and memories, musical tradition, documents, photographs, audiovisual heritage, publications, works of art, etc.

The call is within the framework of the Global Estonian Program, created by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The call is financed by the Estonian Government from the budget of the Ministry of Education and Research. The total size of the fund is €118,000. Both organisations and individuals can apply for support. The eligibility period is 01.01.2023-31.12.2023.

The following activities can be funded:
● recording, indexing, describing, physically arranging, restoring, mapping and collecting (field work, acquisition actions, transport of archives), preparing for digitization, and digitizing of Estonian historical and cultural heritage created by expatriates or about expatriates in order to preserve Estonian cultural heritage and make it available to the public (on the web, in print and/or in a memory institution).
● creating data collections/databases/information portals regarding the above mentioned cultural heritage.
● preparing and conducting surveys;
● creating websites, compiling publications and exhibitions;
● developing of cultural heritage cooperation networks (organising info sessions, seminars, and other events)
● counselling communities on practical archival work (organising trainings and professional guidance on archiving for Estonian communities outside of the country);
● cooperation projects between Estonian and foreign memory institutions in order to arrange, describe and make available Estonian historical and cultural heritage created by expatriates or about expatriates;
● research on the history and cultural heritage of the Estonian diaspora related to the collection, arrangement, or publicity of archival material or cultural heritage. NB! The application must include a list of the source materials of the proposed publication;
● publication of already completed manuscripts on the Estonian diaspora. NB! The application must include a list of the source materials of the proposed publication;
● preparation and distribution of information materials (in print or online) on the principles of work processes in archives, libraries and museums;
● research on Estonian cultural heritage created by expatriates or about expatriates.
The application deadline is February 5, 2023 (incl.). The Archival Committee will make its decisions within two weeks after the deadline.
Please send your application to or by mail to the following address: Rahvusarhiiv, Nooruse 3, 50411 Tartu, Estonia, quoting the reference “Global Estonian Program.“

Committee members (TBD):
Mart Orav (magazine “Akadeemia,“ Chairman of the Committee), Andero Adamson (Ministry of Education and Research, Vice-Chairman of the Committee), Martin Eessalu (Ministry of Education and Research), Sirje Karis (Tartu City Museum), Lea Kõiv (Tallinn City Archives), Ilme Mäesalu (Estonian National Heritage Board), Priit Raudkivi (Tallinn University), Priit Rohtmets (University of Tartu), Jüri Viikberg (Tallinn University), Raimo Raag (Uppsala University) and Kadri Linnas (Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

Contact person: Kristi Ots, , +372 738 7511.

Estonian archival centres operating abroad, whose main task is to collect, preserve and enable access to Estonian cultural heritage (including the acquisition of archives of other organisations and persons), and associations and co-operation networks of organisations established to support this goal can apply for an operating grant.

More information is available here, in Estonian.