Funding for Baltic-Language Radio Services on the Line JBANC Press Release
Kuumad uudised | 24 Oct 2003  | EWR
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JBANC Press Release:
Contact: Karl Altau

Washington, DC (JBANC) --- The Baltic-American community is actively weighing in with appeals to Congress in a final effort to have funding restored to Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) broadcasts to the Baltics and other Central and Eastern European countries.

The broadcasts are currently funded under a broad Continuing Resolution, a temporary provision keeping all U.S. government services, including the broadcasts operating until October 31. With the legislative session now heading into November, a new C.R. will have to come into force to continue funding until the appropriations bills for fiscal year 2004 are passed.

Both Senate and House Authorizing committees are on record as supporting the effort to keep alive U.S. international broadcasting to the region. The House measure passed but the Senate Authorization bill, being advocated by Senators Lugar and Biden, is awaiting floor action.

There are fears that a new Continuing Resolution may enact the provisions passed in the FY04 House Commerce, Justice, State (CJS) Appropriations bill, which does not include funding for international broadcasting to Central and Eastern Europe.

The Joint Baltic American National Committee (JBANC) has expressed profound alarm that the closure of the radios will be detrimental to getting America’s message heard in Europe. In a recent letter to Senate and House Appropriations committee members and Congressional leaders, JBANC asked that Congress work to restore funding and to consider the significance and future of United States public diplomacy in the region.

The Central and East European Coalition, of which JBANC and its constituent organizations are members, has also sent letters to Congress on the radio broadcasting issue. The CEEC represents 20 million American voters. JBANC has contacted the White House as well to express its concerns.

In a separate letter to the Washington Post on October 22, JBANC remarks that the “United States still needs good friends in Europe…Silence by the United States would not be golden.”

The Senate Appropriations Committee agreed on September 4 to restore funding to the FY03 level for VOA and RFE/RL services (S. 1585), while the House Appropriations Committee did not include the necessary language in H.R.2799 when it passed that chamber on July 23.

Although the Senate Appropriations Report (S. Rept. 108-144) asks that funding for the services be retained at FY03 levels, the bill provides a lower funding level of $5.5 million, rather than the $8.9 million needed to fund all the affected programs.

It appears likely that the Senate will not be able to finish work by October 31 on its CJS Appropriations bill, which has provided funding and report language to keep the radios alive. If the Senate does not finish the bill by then, the House may have leverage in dictating the terms of the final conference report.

A conference committee of members from the House and Senate will still need to meet on the CJS Appropriations bill, but the point may be moot by then. If this is the case, the services will be faced with shutting down.

Once the conference report is finished, the CJS and other appropriations bills may be rolled up into a single omnibus bill.

In the CJS Appropriations Senate report, Latvian VOA was not mentioned, along with a couple of other language services, but this was seen as a technical oversight.

While the United States has over the years achieved high credibility in Central and Eastern Europe, there is growing concern that America’s view is being marginalized. United States public diplomacy efforts should be strengthened and not sacrificed in Europe.

The benefits of maintaining VOA and RFE/RL for the near term are still significant. This should be of vital national interest of the United States.

According to JBANC Chairman Janis Bolsteins, “America needs to continue its role and responsibility in presenting an accurate picture of what the United States is about - our motivations, policies and ideals. These radio services are a low-cost vehicle for delivering this message.”

JBANC represents the Estonian American National Council, Inc., the American Latvian Association, Inc. and the Lithuanian American Council, Inc.




Estonian American National Council, Inc.
American Latvian Association, Inc.
Lithuanian American Council, Inc.

400 Hurley Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850

Tel: (301) 340-1954
Fax: (301) 309-1406

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