Fundraiser for Sarmite Bulte
Archived Articles | 22 Oct 2004  | Adu RaudkiviEWR
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A fundraiser for the Honourable Sarmite Bulte PC, MP and Deputy Heritage Minister is being held by the Parkdale High Park Liberal Association to recoup some of the expenses of the last federal election.
 - pics/2004/voh2.jpg
The event will take place at the Old Mill Restaurant on November 8th at 6 pm. "A keynote speaker has not yet been confirmed," said Mary Pecchia, organizer of the event. She adds, "We are hoping that either the Hon. Ralph Goodale, Minister of Finance or the Hon. Anne McClellan, Minister of will be available.” The event will cost $ 250.00 per person.

The designation " Honorable " and " PC " before and after Sarmite Bulte's name designate that she is a member of the Privy Council, a distinction given to federal ministers and deputy ministers as well as the prime minister. This distinction is one that stays for life. It is also given to the Governors, both Lieutenat and General.

Tickets are available from Mary Pecchia at 416-831-4687 and are not available at the door of the event.

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