Gala to Commemorate The 90th Anniversary of Estonian Independence ESK
Eestlased Kanadas | 16 Oct 2008  | EWR OnlineEWR
Join us at our First Biennial Fundraising Gala to Commemorate The 90th Anniversary of Estonian Independence

The National Estonian Foundation of Canada has planned an exceptional
evening to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. This special evening will include entertainment, live music and dancing. The gala will feature performances by young, talented Estonian opera singers Oliver Kuusik and Heli Veskus who will be accompanied by distinguished pianist Tarmo Eespere. The keynote speaker address will be delivered by Bank of Estonia Chairman of the Board, Jaan Sven Männik. The multi-course dinner will feature Nordic-International Fusion Cuisine by renowned chef Michael Ewing.

This evening will present a unique opportunity to reacquaint with old friends, seek out and meet new friends, and share in the celebration of our unique Estonian heritage as citizens of Canada.

As a donor, recipient or passionate friend of the Foundation, we hope that you will join us for this special evening as we reflect on accomplishments and share ideas for the future. The proceeds of this fundraising event will be distributed to projects that support youth programs related to education, language studies, and cultural activities. We will continue to honor the generation that started our community to preserve the memories and traditions they’ve worked so hard to establish.

We invite you to join us as we look back on what we have accomplished and look ahead to where we are going. Please plan on attending and share the news of this upcoming event with your family, relatives, and friends.

We encourage you to register with a full table of 8 or 10. However, you may also register alone, with a guest, or with a partial table. The organizing committee will try to accommodate everyone so that they will have a wonderful evening.

Please confirm your attendance today by calling our office: 416 465 5600
Or via our website:
If you are unable to attend but still wish to support our gala please visit our website and donate today!

Eestlased Kanadas