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George Orwell's first published novel translated into Estonian
10 Sep 2021 EWR Online
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George Orwell's 'Burmese Days' has been translated into Estonian, and released on sale by Postimees' publishing house, reports ERR's Kultuur

Originally written in English in 1934, it has been translated into Estonian by Maarja Maasikas, (Estonian title: "Birma päevad"). 'Burmese Days' was Orwell's first published work of fiction.

Due to concerns about libel, both of people and places, at a time when Burma was under British rule, the novel was initially published in the U.S.

Orwell's most famous works of fiction, "1984" and "Animal Farm" were translated into Estonian as soon as they could be published during the era of Glasnost and Perestroika in the late 1980s.