Germany grants Nord Stream permit for territorial waters
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 21 Dec 2009  | EWR OnlineEWR
Alla Petrova, Baltic Course, Riga, 21.12.2009
Nord Stream AG today received the permit to construct the 50 kilometre section of its 1,223 kilometre natural gas pipeline that will pass through German territorial waters with landfall in Lubmin near Greifswald. The second German permit for construction of 31 kilometres of the pipeline in Germany’s Exclusive Economic Zone and the second Finnish permit are expected within the next few weeks. The consortium has already received permits from Denmark, Sweden and Russia through whose waters the pipeline will pass, and the Finnish EEZ permit, reported BC Romans Baumanis, Regional Advisor for the Baltic States.

“We have engaged in detailed consultations on all aspects of our proposed pipeline in order to ensure that the pipeline will be safe and environmentally sound. This kind of close cooperation will be maintained as the project further moves on,” said Nord Stream’s Managing Director Matthias Warnig.

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