Girl Guides of Canada January newsletter [selections]
Archived Articles | 21 Jan 2009  | EWR OnlineEWR
Guide-Scout Week

February is a special month for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts worldwide. February 15 to 22 marks Guide-Scout week, which is a week dedicated to holding special joint activities to promote our Movements. If there is a Scout group in your area, consider getting together with them to celebrate and promote Guiding. The Guide-Scout Week Kit will be posted soon on Member Zone, with great ideas on how your girls can participate. Please share your success stories and event photos with us

World Thinking Day
February 22, 2009

The World Thinking Day 2009 theme is girls worldwide say “Stop the spread of AIDS, malaria and other diseases”. World Thinking Day is a chance for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to reaffirm their commitment to change the world around them and to raise funds for the World Thinking Day Fund.

Click here for GGC’s World Thinking Day Kit – full of activities and resources that will help girls explore the importance of health and understand AIDS, malaria and other diseases as global issues. (You can also click here for activities developed by WAGGGS.) There is also a Thinking Day patch, available for purchase in local Guide stores.
Archived Articles