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Going to Estonia’s Song and Dance Festival next June?
30 Jan 2009 Estonian Central Council in Canada
On your way there, spend a few days at ESTO2009.

ESTO2009, Münster, Germany (June 26-30th) has been timed perfectly so that you can participate at the Estonian Song Festival (July 2-5th) also.

The two festivals complement each other. Yes, the massive Song Festival in Tallinn will certainly give you a powerful sense of time and place, of roots and history.

ESTO2009 is meant to give a similar boost of cultural adrenalin. This cultural festival is organized by Estonians in the diaspora, in Germany and Europe to be precise. It gives Estonians abroad a chance to make a distinct cultural imprint on the vast multinational landscape that is the European Union.

The first Estonian World Festival in Toronto in 1972 attracted some 20,000 compatriots whose joint mission at the time was to shake up a complacent world about the plight of Soviet occupied Estonia.

In 2009, those that gather in Münster will be able to share mutual experiences of living abroad, of maintaining a tangible community whose youngest members are fourth generation expatriates. Although scattered worldwide, individuals of Estonian heritage still feel as one people, as having one national anchor.

The current validity of the Münster ESTO2009 is undeniable. One of three largest refugee camps for Estonians was located near that city. Many Estonians who left post-war Germany for other distant destinations started their journey from Münster. Many Estonian organizations that still exist today in Germany were founded here. City government officials, well aware of its historical significance for Estonian refugees are offering all assistance to guarantee that ESTO2009 be a success.

On your way to Tallinn come by Münster! It’ll be a rousing warm-up for the Song Festival.

For details visit

ESTO2009 “passes” on sale at estore in Estonian House, Toronto. 416 465 2219.