Eestlased Kanadas | 17 Jul 2008  | EWR
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GOOD NEWS!! If you STILL haven't seen the Singing Revolution, you have another chance to see it - this time in Waterloo, Ontario! Due to popular demand, the film has been brought back to Ontario to the Princess Cinemas! Bring out your friends, neighbours, and aquaintances to see a great film!
The Singing Revolution Film Playing at the Princess Cinemas/ Laulev Revolutsioon filmi linastus Princess Cinema kinosaalis!
Date / kuupäev: July 18th - July 22nd, 2008/ 18. - 22. juulini
Place / koht: Princess Cinemas, Waterloo, ON - 6 Princess St. West

Description / kirjeldus:

The Singing Revolution film is coming to Waterloo!! The film will be now be playing from July 18th to the 22nd at the Princess Cinemas. Tickets must be purchased through Princess Theatre. 2
4-Hour Movie Hotline - 519 885 2950
Movie Times:
Movie Information:

"Laulev Revolutsiooni" filmi linastus algab jalle 18 juulil Waterloo, Ontarios! Filmi linastus Princess Cinemas kinos 18. - 22. juulini. Tuleb Princess Cinemast pileteid osta.
Filmi "Hotline" - 519 885 2950 (24 Tunni)
Filmi Ajad:
Filmi Informatsioon:

After enduring WWII-era brutalization by Hitler's Nazi Party and decades of repressive Soviet dictatorship, the tiny Eastern European nation of Estonia began to declare its independence from Communist rule in the late 1980s. Over a five year period, beginning in 1986, hundreds of thousands of Estonians began to systematically and repeatedly gather in public venues to collectively sing illegal patriotic songs, declaring their desire for national independence but never resorting to violence amid their protests.
Not coincidentally, Estonia was indeed one of the first nations to break away from the Soviet Union in the events leading up to the fall of the Iron Curtain. The documentary The Singing Revolution chronicles this extraordinary yet seldom told chain of events.


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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Toomas K18 Jul 2008 18:14
Teine võimalus: "Laulev Revolutsiooni" filmi linastus 20. juulil, Udora, Ontarios - Jõekääru Suvekodu Saalis, kell 4:00 pl. (pärast laste esinemised Perekonnapäeval). Sissepääs: Vabatahtlik Annetus (soovitame $5
või rohkem inimese pealt - pool läheb filmi tegijatele, pool läheb suvelaagri heaks).

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