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Hack-The-Crisis: 6 Lessons From Estonia’s Coronavirus Crisis Response - Forbes
18 Mar 2020 EWR Online
Tallinn TV Tower in Estonia's capital, Tallinn. Over the past few years, Estonia has become the "digital nation." These efforts are helping this Baltic country of 1.3 million people navigate the Coronavirus crisis - pics/2020/03/55689_001.jpg
Tallinn TV Tower in Estonia's capital, Tallinn. Over the past few years, Estonia has become the "digital nation." These efforts are helping this Baltic country of 1.3 million people navigate the Coronavirus crisis
By Robert C. Wolcott

I’m constantly impressed by Estonia. Today, their collective response to the coronavirus crisis— both their government and tech community— has much to teach us. More on that in a moment.

Crisis leadership is about simultaneously acting fast and smart in response to rapidly shifting realities. Crises leave little time for deliberation. Applying preparation accomplished prior to the challenge, such as relevant protocols, must be accompanied by learning and course correcting as conditions and data change.

Legendary 19th century Prussian military commander Helmuth von Moltke (the Elder) is famous for declaring, “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” He asserted commanders could only plan the beginning of a campaign in detail. From there, leadership’s role is to adjust rapidly as reality unfolds. “Strategy is a system of expedients.”