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Häppenings in Rakvere
16 Jun 2006 Riina Kindlam
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The city of Rakvere was abuzz on June 11, as the site of the first Estonian All-Male Dance Festival. Above the stadium, where 2000+ men danced and celebrated, the historic main street Pikk tänav was also packed with people combing wares at the laat (fair). All the staples, including suhkruvatt (cotton candy), honey, käpikud (mittens) and baskets for gathering and washing potatoes were available. Read more about the Men's Folkdance Festival in this week's Märkmik column in the Estonian language section.

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Alongside hand-embroidered linen bags for storing and drying medicinal flowers and plants, Maret of Mareti käsitöötuba (Maret's handicraft room) also sold tiny bags of heinalõhn (the smell of hay), seen on the right, for 25 kroons a sachet at the Rakvere laat. No guarantee of how long the scent will last was included. The bags marked for collecting are, from the upper right naistepuna ­– St. John¹s wort, kibuvits – ­rosehip, nõmm-liivatee ­– wild thyme and nurmenukk ­– cowslip (primula veris). Text and photos: Riina Kindlam