Head of Former EOD Team in Afghanistan Receives NATO Medal
12 Oct 2012 EWR Online
Estonian Review (from BNS)
Lt. Martin Meos, who served as head of the Estonian explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) team in Afghanistan, became the fourth Estonian to be awarded the NATO Meritorious Service Medal. Lt. Meos was given the NATO Meritorious Service Medal for his service in Afghanistan in the second half of 2011, military spokespeople in Tallinn said.
"The EOD team led by Lt. Meos rendered harmless almost a hundred IEDs in Afghanistan, thereby saving at least as many human lives," said Lt. Col. Anto Kergand, who served as head of the Estonian contingent in Afghanistan at the time. He said the success of Lt. Meos was the result of high professionalism and co-operation with the infantry company, based on whose information the IEDs were detected.
Lt. Meos pointed out that the activity of the EOD team in Afghanistan was not only military in nature but increased the security of all the people there, military and locals alike. He described the medal as a recognition of the contribution of all the members of his team. The Estonian EOD team served as part of the Counter Improvised Explosive Device Task Force Helmand.
Together with Lt. Meos 40 personnel from NATO member states and units were decorated this time.
Previously three Estonians have been awarded the NATO Meritorious Service Medal. Lt. Col. Eero Kinnunen received the medal for his service as company commander in Afghanistan in 2008, Col. Ilmar Tamm for service in the Allied Force Command Heidelber in 2008, and Maj. Ulo Isberg for his service as information officer for the NATO training mission in Iraq in 2009.
The NATO Meritorious Service Medal was first awarded in 2003 to commend NATO staff whose personal initiative and dedication went beyond their duty to make a difference both to their colleagues, and to NATO as an organisation. The medal is the personal award of the secretary general of NATO, who signs each citation.