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Health Board chief: Spread of virus extensive, even epidemic
23 Feb 2021 EWR Online
Üllar Lanno and Tanel Kiik Source: Siim Lõvi /ERR - pics/2021/02/58023_001.jpg
Üllar Lanno and Tanel Kiik Source: Siim Lõvi /ERR
The director general of the Health Board (Terviseamet) said at a press conference on Tuesday that the current spread of coronavirus in Estonia is extensive and even epidemic in Harju County. Estonia currently has the second highest 14-day infection rate in Europe.

Director general Üllar Lanno said that several weeks ago it seemed that a plateau-like level of coronavirus prevailed in Estonia and was starting to decline, the opposite has happened. "The growth rate is significantly higher," he said.

"In Estonia, 22 percent of those infected were added in a week. Estonia is second in Europe. If everything continues in the same way, then becoming first is not difficult," Lanno said.

According to him, the only neighboring country where an upward trend can be seen is Finland.

"Harju County is exhibiting a rapid growth trend and Ida-Viru County and now also Lääne-Viru County has been a point of concern. Harju County has been a trendsetter for the whole of Estonia. Problem areas also include Saaremaa and Võru County and Põlva County. Figures are above 500 [per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days] in 11 counties," Lanno said.

Estonia's current infection rate is 794.67 per 100,000 people.