Henno Sillaste (8)
In Memoriam | 04 Jan 2013  | EWR
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On lahkunud tunnustatud arhitekt ja Metsaülikooli mõtte algataja ja rajaja Henno Sillaste 29. veebr. 1936 - 1. jaan. 2013
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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Mare Tiido12 Jan 2013 10:56
Henno's departure from this world represents the departure of a big presence to those who knew him. His energy, quick wit and generosity of spirit touched people he knew -- even those who only met him only occasionally or observed him from a distance. He left his mark on Toronto with his St. Lawrence, people-friendly, groundbreaking large scalered brick housing community and other buildings for which he was the architect. And he left his mark on Estonia with his cutting edge architectural contributions in Tallinn.
He will be missed most for his fabulous vitality. My deepest sympathy to his wife Mai and his children.
Sulev Nõmmann07 Jan 2013 21:05
Henno tavatses ikka öelda - arhitekt läheb manalateed, aga tema tööd jäävad ja kui need on head, siis kauaks.... Väga inspireeriv aeg oli Hennoga koos töötada.
Kaastunne omastele!
Toomas Merilo07 Jan 2013 18:25
Lasku Hennol nüüd puhata. Manalas ei peeta enam sõdasi. Taevalikku rahu on ta ära teeninud.

Puhka rahus, Henno.

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